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To see the Maryland Democratic Party By-Laws, go to:

Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee By Laws:

Adopted October 1, 2020; effective October 1, 2020.

Article I – Name

The name of the Democratic Party organization in Anne Arundel County, Maryland shall be the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee, hereinafter referenced as the Committee.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Committee shall be to act as the governing body of the Democratic Party for Anne Arundel County, and to represent Anne Arundel County as its delegation to the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland. The Committee shall promote the election of the nominees of the Democratic Party of the United States, State of Maryland, and Anne Arundel County. The Committee shall conduct the business, organize the activities, and foster the growth of the Democratic Party in Anne Arundel County.

Article III – Membership Composition

The Committee shall consist of Elected Members in accordance with Maryland state law, by the Democratic voters of Anne Arundel County in the party’s gubernatorial primary.

Article III, Section 1 – Elected Members

Elected members are determined in compliance with Maryland state law, the Maryland Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee bylaws.

Article III, Section 1.1 – The Committee shall consist of Eighteen members (18) elected by Legislative District, two males and two females per legislative district (one male and one female in the 21st Legislative District), in accordance with Maryland state law, and by the Democratic voters of Anne Arundel County in the party’s gubernatorial primary. The term of office shall be four (4) years, or until their successors qualify. Members shall be residents of and registered Democrats of the district from which they are elected.

Article III, Section 1.2 – Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of state law.

Article III, Section 3 – Removal of Members

Article III, Section 3.1 - The Members of the Committee may, by a 2/3 vote, recommend to the Maryland State Democratic Party that a Member be removed from the Committee, pursuant to the provisions for removal of members as defined by the bylaws of the Maryland Democratic Party.

Article IV – Member Duties

The duties of members shall be as follows:

Article IV, Section 1 – Elected Members

Article IV, Section 1.1 – Present the names of candidates as required by law to the Governor for appointment to the Board of Election Supervisors in accordance with the provisions of state law.

Article IV, Section 1.2 – Fill ballot vacancies caused by death or resignation of Anne Arundel County Democratic Party nominees in accordance with the provisions of state law.

Article IV, Section 1.3 – Fill any vacancy in public office where such vacancy is to be filled by this Committee in accordance with the provisions of state law.

Article IV, Section 1.4 – Make recommendations regarding political appointments to the Governor of Maryland, Federal or local officials in accordance with the provisions of state law.

Article IV, Section 1.5 – Represent Anne Arundel County as its delegation to the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland.

Article IV, Section 1.6 – Vote upon final decisions and policy brought before the Committee in accordance with the provisions of state law.

Article IV, Section 1.7 – Participate fully and vote on any matter brought before any standing or special committee, of which he/she is a member.

Article IV, Section 3 – Conflict of Interest

Article IV, Section 3.1 – The Committee or any Member thereof, employee or contractor having an interest in a contract or other transaction presented to a Standing or Special committee of the Committee for recommendation, authorization, approval or ratification shall give prompt, full and frank disclosure of such interest to the committee prior to its acting on such contract.

The body to which disclosure is made shall thereupon determine, by majority vote, whether the disclosure shows that a conflict of interest exists or can be reasonably construed to exist. If a conflict is found to exist, such person may not vote on, exert personal influence upon, or participate in discussion of the issue, other than to present factual information or to respond to questions in the discussions or deliberations with respect to such contact or transaction. Such a person may not be counted in determining the existence of a quorum during the discussion of the disclosed issue at any meeting where the contract or transaction is under discussion or is being voted upon.

The minutes of the meeting shall reflect the disclosure, the vote thereon and, where applicable, the abstention from voting and participation.

Article IV, Section 3.2 – Neither the Committee, nor its Members acting in their role as members of the Committee, may endorse candidates in Democratic Party primary elections unless the candidate is unopposed or unless the Democratic Party of Maryland has endorsed said candidate. Members may endorse candidates in Democratic Party primary elections as a private citizen or in other capacities.

Article IV, Section 3.3 – The Committee is prohibited from making monetary donations to any candidate or committee between the date of the General Election and the date of the filing deadline for the following election for which the candidate holds or seeks office, and only in such a case as the candidate is unopposed in the Primary Election. Monetary contributions to candidates or committees must pass a majority vote of the full Committee and cannot be dispersed at the sole discretion of the Chair.

Article V – Officers

The officers of the Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.

Article V, Section 1 – Elections

Article V, Section 1.1 – Officers shall be elected to serve one (1) year terms during the month following the gubernatorial election meeting of each year. If no meeting is held, then in the first meeting held thereafter. Officers shall continue in office until the next scheduled election. 

Article V, Section 1.2 – Candidates must be nominated during the nomination process in order to be eligible for election except for the election held during the organizing meeting held immediately after the election of Members.

Article V, Section 1.3 – Officers shall be elected by public roll call vote, affording all members a reasonable opportunity to vote. The vote shall be recorded by the Secretary.

Article V, Section 1.4 – Only Elected Members of the Committee may serve as Chairperson,  Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.

Article V, Section 2 – Removal

Officers may be removed from office by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Committee.

Article V, Section 3 – Filling of Vacancies

A vacancy in any office shall be filled in the above manner at the next regular meeting after the vacancy is announced. The newly elected officer shall complete the term of office of his or her predecessor.

Article VI – Duties of Officers

The duties of officers shall be as follows:

Article VI, Section 1 – Chairperson

Article VI, Section 1.1 – The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer and official spokesperson of the Committee, and generally supervise its activities.

Article VI, Section 1.2 – The Chairperson shall make all pertinent reports on behalf of the Committee to the Governor, the Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland, and any other state, federal or local governmental official or body.

Article VI, Section 1.3 – The Chairperson shall serve as an ex-officio member of each standing and special committee.

Article VI, Section 2 – Vice Chairperson

Article VI, Section 2.1 – The Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson in their absence.

Article VI, Section 2.2 – In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson until a successor is elected.

Article VI, Section 2.3 – The Vice Chairperson shall have other such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson.

Article VI, Section 3 – Secretary

Article VI, Section 3.1 – The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and preserving the minutes of the meetings of the Committee.

Article VI, Section 3.2 – The Secretary shall have the custody of all records and other official documents of the Committee, with the exception of the financial records, pursuant to Article 6, Section 4.4

Article VI, Section 3.3 – The Secretary shall maintain current copies of the Committee’s bylaws and membership list, and supply the same to the Maryland Democratic Party or other state officials as necessary.

Article VI, Section 3.4 – The Secretary shall have other such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson.

Article VI, Section 4 – Treasurer

Article VI, Section 4.1 – The Treasurer shall keep account of all monies received by the Committee.

Article VI, Section 4.2 – The Treasurer shall deposit all monies in one or more bank accounts in the name of the “Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee” within five (5) business days of receipt. Any Member who receives monies on behalf of the Committee must transfer such monies to the Treasurer within ten (10) days of receipt.

Article VI, Section 4.3 – The Treasurer shall not expend any money or incur any liability except by the direction of the Chairperson, subject to the budget recommendation of the Finance Committee and approval of the budget by the Officers, no later than the first meeting in January of each year. Any disbursement of Five Hundred dollars ($500) or more, not specifically enumerated in the approved budget, may not occur without a majority vote approval of the Committee.

Article VI, Section 4.4 – The Treasurer shall prepare, maintain, and present financial reports for regular meetings of the Committee.

Article VI, Section 4.5 – The Treasurer shall submit timely reports as required by state, federal and local law, or by the rules of the Democratic Party. The Treasurer and the Chairperson shall be responsible for any fine imposed for not filing reports in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of state, federal and local law.

Article VI, Section 4.6 – The Treasurer shall submit an internal audit annually. An external audit must be conducted by December of the Gubernatorial Election Year,  and at the end of the Treasurer’s term, which may or may not coincide with December of the Gubernatorial Election Year. 

Article VI, Section 4.7 – The Treasurer shall have other such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson.

Article VI, Section 5 - Parliamentarian

Article VI, Section 5.1 -- The Parliamentarian shall ensure that during each regular meeting of the committee as a whole, proper procedure and conduct is followed, as is defined in Article VII, Section 1.7 of these bylaws.

Article VI, Section 5.2 -- The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair at the meeting immediately following the election of officers.

Article VI, Section 5.3 -- The Parliamentarian may be any person as chosen by the Chair pursuant to Article VI, Section 5.2. If the Parliamentarian is not an elected member of the Committee for the purposes of voting, they shall not have a vote on Committee matters. If the Parliamentarian also serves as an elected member of the Committee, their role as Parliamentarian does not inhibit them from voting on Committee matters. 

Article VI, Section 5.4 -- The Parliamentarian shall be a standing member of the Rules Committee.

Article VI, Section 5.5 -- Should there be a meeting for a special purpose, absent the entire committee, the Parliamentarian may be consulted to ensure proper procedure is followed, per Article VII, Section 1.7

Article VI, Section 6 – Webmaster

Article VI, Section 6.1 -- The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining the official website for the Anne Arundel County Central Committee.

Article VI, Section 6.2 -- The Webmaster shall be appointed by the Chair at the meeting immediately following the election of officers.

Article VI, Section 6.3 -- The Webmaster may be any person as chosen by the Chair pursuant to Article VI, Section 6.2. If the Webmaster is not an elected member of the Committee for the purposes of voting, they shall not have a vote on Committee matters. If the Webmaster also serves as an elected member of the Committee, their role as Webmaster does not inhibit them from voting on Committee matters

Article VII – Meetings

The Committee shall meet regularly, and when necessary, during special session to conduct the business of the Committee.

Article VII, Section 1 – Regular Meetings

Article VII, Section 1.1 – The Committee shall meet regularly at a time and place to be determined by the Committee.

Article VII, Section 1.2 – The Secretary shall notify all members not less than one (1) week in advance of a regular meeting.

Article VII, Section 1.3 – Within twenty (20) days following the primary election in which they are elected, the Committee shall meet at a place and time selected by the outgoing Chairperson for the purpose of organizing the new Committee. The outgoing Chairperson shall provide notice of the place and location for the meeting to each Committee Member within ten (10) days following the primary election in which they are elected. If no time and place is designated by the end of eleven (11) days following the election, the Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party or a majority of the elected members of the new committee may convene such a meeting. Elections shall be held at this meeting for Officers of the Committee who shall take office immediately upon being elected. No nominating committee shall be necessary for these elections, individual members shall self-nominate during the meeting. Officers shall continue in office until the next scheduled elections.

Article VII, Section 1.4 – Fifty-one (51) percent of the Members shall constitute a quorum. There shall be no proxies or proxy votes. Each member shall have one (1) vote, in accordance with the provisions of Article III. For any vote reserved for elected members, as delineated in Article IV, Section 1, fifty-one (51) percent of Elected Members shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII, Section 1.5 – The Committee shall meet a minimum of eight (8) times per year.

Article VII, Section 1.6 – The Chairperson shall present an agenda 24 hours prior to the next regular meeting, which will be approved, with any approved amendments, by the Committee at the beginning of each regular meeting.

Article VII, Section 1.7 – Except as provided herein, Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of all meetings.

Article VII, Section 1.8 – All meetings shall be open to the public, except as may be decided by the Committee as allowed by law.

Article VII, Section 1.9 – One or more Committee members, or the entire Committee, may participate in a meeting of the Committee by telephone or other similar electronic communications methods that ensure all persons participating in the meeting can hear and speak to each other. Members participating by telephone or other similar electronic communications methods shall be considered participating in the meeting for purposes of constituting a quorum and may vote or join in the discussion as their membership status permits. Meetings held entirely by telephone or other similar electronic communications methods shall be open to the public by publishing the date, time and way to access the meeting on the Committee’s website no less than four hours prior to the meeting’s start. 

Article VII, Section 2 – Special Meetings

Article VII, Section 2.1 – Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, by a majority vote of the Committee, or via written notice by a minimum of four (4) or more members, provided seventy two (72) hour notice is given to all members. The notice shall include the time and place of the meeting. Special meetings may be conducted in person or by telephone, as specified in the meeting notice.

Article VIII – Committees

The Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee shall have certain standing committees, as enumerated in this Article.

Article VIII, Section 1 - Standing Committees

Article VIII, Section 1.1 - There shall be a Rules and Bylaws committee responsible for making procedural recommendations to the Committee, general oversight of the bylaws, assuring compliance with the Democratic State Central Committee and the Democratic National Committee bylaws, advising the Chairperson on questions of procedures, and any other charge as directed by the Committee. In the event an issue arises where the meaning of the Committee bylaws is in question, the Rules and Bylaws committee shall meet to provide the Committee with a recommendation on how to resolve the dispute.

The Rules and Bylaws committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, one of whom shall be Vice Chairperson of the Committee. The Rules and Bylaws committee shall be responsible for reviewing the Bylaws at least once per year and recommending any necessary changes to the Committee. All amendments to the Bylaws shall be reviewed prior to being presented to the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 1.2 – There shall be a Finance Committee responsible for making fiscal recommendations to the Committee, and general oversight of the annual budget, bookkeeping procedures, fundraising, expenditure of funds, and any other charge as directed by the Committee. The Finance Committee shall present an annual budget to the Committee in the January meeting of the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 1.3 - There shall be a Get Out the Vote responsible for making recommendations to the Committee, and general oversight of the biennial plan, voter registration, and any other charges as directed by the Committee. 

Article VIII, Section 1.4 – There shall be a Communications Committee responsible for maintaining the Committee’s website and social media accounts, drafting and sending mass email communication to the Committee’s email universe, work with the Chair to develop overall messaging strategy, sending press releases, and any other charge as directed by the Committee. The webmaster is a standing member on the communications committee. 

Article VIII, Section 1.5 – There shall be a Events and Fundraising Committee responsible for organizing activities including the activities and any other pertinent events throughout the year in coordination with the Finance Committee with regards to fundraising, and any other charge as directed by the Committee. There shall be co-chairs of the Events and Fundraising Committee with one overseeing fundraising and the other overseeing the planning of events.

Article VIII, Section 1.6 - Appointments to standing committees shall be made by the Members of the Committee, and approved by a majority vote of the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 1.7 – The Committee may create additional standing committees in the future, by identifying and enumerating the specific areas of responsibility such committee will be charged, and by ratifying their creation by a majority vote of the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 1.8 – Standing committees may be composed of any registered Democrat residing in Anne Arundel County, provided however, that the chair must be a Member of the Committee. Each committee shall be composed of not less than three (3) members.

Article VIII, Section 1.9 – Vacancies on standing committees may be filled by the respective chair, subject to confirmation by the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 1.10 – Standing committees are intended to operate in perpetuity, notwithstanding they may be disbanded by a two-thirds vote of the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 1.11 – Standing committees must have their membership reappointed at the regular meeting following the first regular meeting after the gubernatorial primary election.

Article VIII, Section 2 – Special Committees

Article VIII, Section 2.1 – Special committees may be created from time to time by the Chairperson.

Article VIII, Section 2.2 – No special committee shall be created to perform any task that falls within the assigned function of an existing Standing Committee.

Article VIII, Section 2.3 – The Chairperson shall nominate members to serve on each special committees.

Article VIII, Section 2.4 – The Chairperson shall select the chair of each special committee.

Article VIII, Section 2.5 – Special committees shall terminate upon the earlier of i) the completion of their assigned tasks, or ii) by the date of the organizational meeting described in Article VII, Section 1.3.

Article VIII, Section 3- Nominations and Elections

Article VIII, Section 3.1 – Elections of officers shall be made during the December meeting of every year.  If no meeting is held in December, then in the first meeting held thereafter. An additional election for officer shall be held during the organizing meeting held immediately after the election of Members.

Article VIII, Section 3.2 – Nominations may be offered by Members of the Committee.

Article VIII, Section 3.4 - This committee shall record the names of nominated candidates, and conduct the election of officers.

Article VIII, Section 3.5 - Names of all candidates placed in nomination shall be provided to Elected Members no less than one (1) week prior to the date of the election.

Article VIII, Section 3.6 - Additional nominations may be made from the floor, if seconded by a Member

Article IX – Club Representatives

The Committee may associate with the Democratic Clubs of Anne Arundel County.

Article IX, Section 1 - Club Representatives

Article IX, Section 1.1 – The Committee may accept one (1) representative from each of the Democratic Clubs in Anne Arundel County. A majority vote of the Committee is required to approve the nomination. Club representatives shall be residents of and registered Democrats in Anne Arundel County.

Article IX, Section 1.2 – Shall report to the Committee the activities and announcements of their respective clubs both verbally at the meeting and with a written report provided to the Chair at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. 

Article IX, Section 1.3 – Club Representatives shall not have a vote upon final decisions and policy brought before the Committee, unless otherwise entitled to vote as an Elected.

Article IX, Section 1.4 – Club representatives may be removed for cause. The Committee may, by majority vote, remove a club representative from formal representation on the Committee, and if so removed, from any standing or special committees as well.

Article X – Appointment Process

Article X, Section 1.1 - If the Committee is required to fill a vacancy in public office pursuant to Article IV, Section 1.3 the Committee shall ensure the appointment process adheres to the procedures in Article 10 of the Bylaws.

Article X Section 1.2 - Members of the Committee will not be permitted to receive calls from applicants or those calling on behalf of the applicant ahead of the appointment

Article X Section 1.3 - Deliberations regarding County and State vacated seats will be done in executive session. The vote will be a roll call vote, recorded by the committee secretary in open session. 

Article XI -- Code of Ethics

Members of the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee shall be subject to the same substantive rules of ethical guidance as state public officials to ensure that they shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the credibility upon the office that they serve, shall not use their office to gain special privileges and benefits, and shall refrain from action in their official capacities when their independence of judgment would be adversely affected by personal interests.

Article XII - Amendments

Article XII, Section 1: Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by any Member of the Committee as a motion and by distributing written or electronic copies to all Members present at any regular meeting of the Committee; and by mailing written copies to all Members not present, at least ten (10) days prior to the next regular meeting.

Article XII, Section 2: The Rules and Bylaws committee shall review all proposed amendments to the bylaws and shall provide a recommendation to the Committee at the next regular or special meeting of the Committee, or in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the next regular meeting or special meeting

Article XII, Section 3: Proposed amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee at the next regular or special meeting of the Committee after their introduction. At least twenty-five (25) days must pass between the introduction of a motion and the Committee’s consideration of the motion. Failure of the Rules and Bylaws committee to comply with Article XI, Section 2 shall not bar the Committee from considering properly introduced amendments.

Article XIII - General Provision

Severability: Any provision of the bylaws revision that is found to be in conflict with any provision of state, federal, or local law, or with the rules of the Maryland State Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee bylaws shall not invalidate the other provisions of these bylaws.

Article XIV – Adoption                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

These bylaws were amended and adopted the first day of October, 2020, by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee, and shall take effect immediately

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