About Us
The Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee (AACDCC) is your local Democratic Party in Anne Arundel County. We are comprised of 24 elected members. Every four years, in the mid-term (non-presidential) election, you'll see the names of individuals who are running for the Democratic Central Committee at the bottom of your ballot. That's how we are elected by you — the voters.
We come from every corner of Anne Arundel County. Each legislative district in the county has four elected members, except for Districts 21 and 12B, which is only a small part of Anne Arundel County and therefore only has two members on our committee per district. Districts 30, 31, 32, and 33 each have 4 members.
The committee serves several purposes:
To maintain and grow the Democratic Party in our county by engaging the community and reaching out to voters.
To elect Democrats at all levels of government.
To represent the principals that guide the Democratic Party here at home, in Anne Arundel County.
To nominate a replacement when an elected Democrat in the state legislature vacates office. In such an event, the Committee will accept applications from the public and will interview the candidates. The Committee will vote on which candidate will be forwarded to the Governor for appointment to fill the remainder of the term of office.​
Our Executive Board is elected in December of each year and in July following the Mid-Term Primary Election. Our Board consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
We have five subcommittees. They are: Rules & Bylaws, Finance, Events and Fundraising, Communications, and GOTV.​
We meet regularly on the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
To learn more about the AACDCC, please explore the site and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or by emailing us at annearundeldems@gmail.com