Heidi Schmidt
District 31
Heidi Schmidt was appointed to the AACDCC in June 2024. She is a life long Democrat and served as College President of the Northeastern University College Democrats, Legislative Director for the College Democrats of Massachusetts. Additionally, she interned for the MA State House, for then Congressman Bernie Sanders, the late Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, and for the Kerry for President campaign. Since obtaining her B.S. in Political Science from Northeastern University, she built her career in marketing starting with nonprofit communications, and now leading her own Social Media agency supporting woman-owned businesses and government contractors. She is thrilled to be serving District 31 and looks forward to turning her dark red district, a little more blue one neighbor at a time. She serves as secretary for the Pasadena Business Association, and in her free time can be found enjoying time outdoors gardening, running, hiking, or paddling on the Magothy with her husband and son.